Sunday, September 12, 2004

Worry Wart

Ok, I know that several people have told me not too worry too much about how my daughter develops with the other kids in her age group, but being a first time mom you can't help it.

Alyssa still has not rolled over. She is now 5 1/2 months old. She did have a breakthrough and sat unassisted for about 5 seconds, but that is only if she isn't moving at all. In reading what other babies are doing around her age group, I am starting to feel like Alyssa is falling more and more behind.

I had never even thought about this until Alyssa's cousin who is six weeks younger than her, rolled over. Then I started to read posts on another board that I look at and noticed that most babies have already completed that task and have completed some tasks thereafter.

I hate to be the worry wart. Most moms would be so grateful to have their darling babies lying on the floor, not getting into mischeif, but I can't help but start to think something is wrong. I just take each day with the hopes that my little girl will roll over today.


At 8:48 PM, Blogger Christina said...

Hey, I'm sure you have heard it a million times. Kids develop at different rates. My daughter still has that darn startle reflex (we call it spastic hand syndrome) and that was supposed to be gone months ago.
Now breathe with me...deep breath!
Everything is going to be a-okay.
But, then again, motherhood is all about the worry.


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