I have thought about some goals I want to achieve in the near future.
By December 29th, I want to loose at least 8 more pounds. That will take me back to my pre-pregnancy weight. In the books I have read, it is a 9 month up and a 9 month down rule of thumb. Obviously 9 months on the upward scale while you are pregnant and that by the time the baby is about 9 months old, you should have been able to ween those nasty pregnancy pounds. Well, I want to aim for Alyssa's 9 month birthday, which will be December 29th!
By the end of January 2005 we need to get a new car. This isn't exactly a goal, as much is something we need to do. We currently lease a car that we have paid more into than we bargained for. I can't wait to give that damn car back. I hate to pay for things that are even going to be mine in the long run. What a young, stupid mistake we made. (Don't get me wrong, leasing is great for some people, but not for us)! I suppose the goal would be to have some kind of down payment.
By the end of February 2005, I want to get that huge ugly tree down in the back yard. It takes up so much room and in order to get the garage we need, it must be taken down!
By April/May 2005, I want to have the cement laid for the garage. I want some lumber to be purchased to start the garage. I want some kind of commitment that we are going to get the damn garage!!
By July 2005, I want to have lost 48 pounds. (This is including the 8 before December). I know that this is a big number to ask for in only 9 month time period. I want to be prepared for when I get pregnant again and gain another 40+ pounds. I have a much longer road than those 48 pounds, but it is always good to achieve smaller goals before setting yourself up for too big of a goal.
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