Blank Mind
In the past few days, I've wanted to come on and write something good. Something interesting. Something new. And I feel like I've got nothing.
Morgan - Still going to therapy. We have an appt tomorrow morning. They may be impressed that she's trying to get to her knees and pull up. But that's about all the progress she's made. She still butt scoots her way around. I think she'd like to get up and starting running after Alyssa, but she gets so damn frustrated and screams every time she tries to pull herself up and then I've got to spend a half an hour calming her down. She's only got two more sessions before the summer break, but I think I'm going to go to some private therapy for her throughout the summer.
Alyssa - She's doing good. We need to start looking into preschools for her. I've even wrote the numbers down, but haven't called them yet. I really need to be on top of this if I want to send her in the fall. The one school we visited said that the 3 yr old classes are not usually a problem to get her enrolled as they don't fill up as fast, but I'd like this to be a done deal and have it situated before the school year is over. We did visit one place and I liked the school and the set up. I don't want to jump on it though, because it is the first school we looked at and I want to make sure we pick the very best for her. Plus, it is on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 9-11. Those are the two days I work during the week. I'm sure my mom or my MIL would gladly drop her off for me, but I WANT to do it. I want to send her off and pick her up. I want to hear good reports and see her face and hear about her day right after. So, if we were to pick that school, I'd need to adjust my work schedule and I hate to do that too. I just need to get my butt moving and make some decisions and phone calls here very soon.
Me - I've purchased a spot of a flea market type of thing for the middle of May, so I've been going through all my stuff like crazy looking for the junk I don't need and can try to sell to some other person who will find it their treasure. I've pretty much emptied my closet to get rid of almost all of my clothes that don't fit me anymore. I've really got to go though some closets and start pulling out stuff that I KNOW I'll never use, but for some stupid reason, I'm holding onto. I think I've got four scales and I for sure don't need ALL of those. I also have not a clue as to how to price anything. So, how much do sell plus sized clothes that are in good shape for? And is it appropriate to sell lingerie-type pajamas? I have a few that are really nice that I hardly wore, but would be way to big for me know. And how much would I sell them for?
I know how you feel. I get on here and just think up stupid crap to blog!! lol
Baby Boy is now finally on his knees and pulling up onto furniture and stuff. But he JUST started doing that about 2 wks ago. So now I am waiting for the feet to come into play. He'll walk if held onto, but then he starts to throw a fit and just goes limp. Hubs says he's just spoiled and knows he'll get picked up, but I don't know, I do spoil him!! lol I can't stand to listen to him cry! lol I think Morgan will catch on soon. It's just taking a little longer! Just like Baby Boy. He's slower then the other 2, but he's catching it. slowly but surely!
Yikes, Pre-school? I am going to have to look into that soon too. Now that Crazy is potty trained, I guess he would qualify. But he just still seems so little! lol
Good luck with your sale. I hate doing garage sales, I never know how to price either. I usually try to figure how much i paid for it and take like 75 to 80 % off of that! lol
New blog addy Linda!! lol
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