Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Spending all of our $$$

The last couple days we have spent a lot of money. But, we are so happy with our two (yes, only two) purchases we made over the last couple of days.

Purchase #1: A dining room table. When we walked in the furniture store and I saw the price tag on a table that I really liked and I said to Gary "no way are we spending that on this table". After looking at a few other tables, Gary pointed another one out he liked. The salesperson came to our aid and said that it was one of 3 tables on a great New Year's special. When I asked what other two tables were also on sale, he pointed out the table that I first saw. Gary and I knew it was meant to be. I love it. I am so excited. The table we have is over 15 years old that my mom gave to us when we moved in together. It was a great table, but it has definitely lived its life. Especially since we were down to only three chairs.

Purchase #2: An SUV. Yes, an SUV. We have carefully did our research on the different kinds and actually got an awesome deal on a 2002 Ford Explorer. I love it! And the best part is we are only paying $10.00 more a month for an SUV that we are going to buy. The last CAR we had we were leasing. I don't understand the math on that one, other than I think we got taken for a couple of idiots about 4 years ago. Not this time!! We will still keep the car until the lease is up which is in about a month.

Thank you, Christina, for your thoughts on a minivan. I know a lot of people tell me they love their vans and swear by them. We really got a great deal on this SUV that Gary and I both wanted and we couldn't pass it up. It still has a lot of storage room in the back to haul things. We may have to think about the minivan next time around, depending on how many kids we have by then.


At 3:22 PM, Blogger Christina said...

Oh I am green with envy. We've needed a new dining room table forever. I absolutely LOVE the one you guys got. Jealous isn't the word to describe me right now. Explorers are nice family cars. Congrats on both of your major purchases!


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