Wednesday, January 12, 2005

She rolled over!!!

After over 9 months of being on this earth, Alyssa rolled over from her back to her stomach yesterday. This is such an accomplishment for us and I am so excited. She did it on three separate occasions and of course, each time she was reaching for something that she wanted. But it doesn't matter, my little girl rolled over! Yeah!

Now my questions are. We saw the physical therapist on Friday. Started doing our exercises on Saturday -- 3 times a day. And then on Tuesday night she rolled over.

I did one thing that the P/T didn't tell me to do. I thought of this on my own. Since the only thing Alyssa would fight for was her bottle, I would put it out of reach. All she would have to do is roll over and she would be able to get the bottle. I did this on 2 separate occasions and each time she threw a temper tantrum. Yes, my 9 month old would be laying on the ground kicking her legs against the floor and throwing her arms. It really reminded me of a temper tantrum that a 3 year old would do. Each time I would calmly talk to Alyssa telling her that the bottle wasn't very far and that she could do it. She could get to it. The first time it was a little closer than I thought and after she threw herself around screaming, she inched a little closer and nabbed it with her hand and I wasn't about to take it away. The second time I put it a little farther and she screamed for about 15 minutes. Horrible, I know. She would get on her side like she was going to roll over but then throw herself back. After that 15 minutes, I helped her roll over to show her that was all she had to do to get the bottle.

OK, so was it my "exercise" that helped her roll over, or was it the P/T's whose "exercises" consisted of more tummy time?

Who knows, but I am hoping that she continues rolling!


At 8:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

YAY Alyssa! You Go Littel Girl!!!

Victoria (HopeTheyDance BBC)


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