Wednesday, June 22, 2005

This makes me sick

So, while we are in Georgia, my mom picks up a newspaper and a couple real estate books.

I asked her what she was looking for and she said that my stepdad wants to see what is out there.

I asked her if they would move to Georgia and she said that if in September when their work contract (they both work for the same company) doesn't go the way they want it to, my stepdad is going to retire and they may move to Georgia.


I am writing this and I am about to throw up because it makes me sick to think that my mom could move away from me...move away from ALYSSA.

I can't imagine life without my mom. She is such a support for me and I would be lost without her.

My grandparents moved to Georgia when I was 15. Since they left, I am not very close to them. We really don't talk on the phone and I have only been down to visit twice in 12 years. I do not want that for Alyssa. I want her and my mom to be close. I want my mom to be here for everything in Alyssa's life and be here for the life of any future children I have.

This makes me incredibly sad. When I asked her how she could make this decision and live without Alyssa and me only 5 minutes away, she just replied "if my husband goes, I must go too". What kind of answer is that?!?!?

Gary has been so sweet, he told me after this conversation with my mom that he could see himself living there and and that he would leave his parents to move there. Even though I know I said I could live there too, I just don't know if I could leave everything and everyone that is here.

I guess I will be hoping for the best in September, but can't help but think about the worst.


At 6:40 AM, Blogger Me said...

That is so great that you have such a wonderful relationship with your mom. Mine lives 45 minutes away, so I don't get to see her and my dad as often as I'd like, but that's probably for the best cuz if we're together too long we work each others' nerves.

That does suck that she could move away and miss Alyssa growing up. Maybe they won't go?!? Hang in there and guess we'll see come Sept. what'll happen.

At 10:10 AM, Blogger Taylor said...

I am so sorry to hear that. I have been seperated from atleast one of my parents for my entire life and it sucks. It is so hard having to deal with the emotions that come along with being away from your parents. Every day I think to myself that I have not had enough time with either of them and if something were to happen how horrible I would feel.

It will all work out. Just keep your faith in God. :)

At 10:47 AM, Blogger Dottie said...

I have a great relationship w/ my Mom and well and can't stand the thought of her moving. They have talked about retiring to Florida some day and I can't stand it.
Good luck!

At 10:57 AM, Blogger Christina said...

wow. I'm so sorry. My heart aches everyday because my mom lives in Idaho and I'm stuck here in California.
How sweet of Gary to offer to move...he's a keeper!
S says the same thing, that we can move to Idaho so I can be near my mom.
Looks like we got good men who realize that once you become a mom, you need your mom all over again.

At 1:58 PM, Blogger lainielou said...

I couldn't live without my mom! I almost cried when I moved 7 miles away from her instead of 2 miles. I can't run over and show her what I'm planning to wear tomorrow. LOL!

At 12:53 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I'd miss my mom, too! Hopefully she'll change her mind.

At 3:37 PM, Blogger Kether said...

I know what you mean. We won't move from here because I don't want to live far from my makes me sick to even consider it.
It makes me sad that Liam won't know his paternal grandparents as well as he knows mine. They moved from Ohio to South Carolina--still a country away from us. I'm hoping they'll move here.
I hope your mom doesn't move.


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