Friday, June 10, 2005

Fun questionnaire!

I was tagged by both Christina and Melissa, so here I go...

10 years ago, I....
1. Finished being a junior in high school.
2. Worked at Arby's.
3. Got drunk for the first time.

5 years ago, I....
1. Was engaged and planning my wedding
2. Worked at the same place I do now, but instead of a quality assurance assistant, I was a production assistant (either way a freaking data entry/clerical employee...LOL).
3. Thought about buying a house

Today I ....
1. Took a walk to the store in the freakin' hot, hot weather
2. Met Gary for lunch with Alyssa
3. Did three loads of laundry and starting packing for our trip

Tomorrow, I will....
1. Go to Jazzercise in the morning
2. Try to pack some more for the trip
3. Try to clean the house

3 Snacks I Enjoy:
1. Rice Krispy Treats (premade)
2. Ice Cream (preferably Cold Stone Creamery, but other kinds will do).
3. Cookies
(Yep, all sweet and all junk food).

5 Songs I know all the words to, even with out the Music:
1. Ice, Ice Baby by Vanilla Ice (took from Christina)
2. Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen (took from Christina)
3. any song by Billy Joel
4. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
5. The Wheels on the bus
Hey...I suck at remembering what songs I know.

Things I would do with $100,000,000:
1. Buy a bigger house with a garage already there and a basement and a den on the main floor.
2. Pay off ALL debts!!!
3. Get Gary a new car.

5 Locations I'd run away to:
1. Hawaii
2. Italy
3. Anywhere there is a beach and sunny...I don't have specifics, send me anywhere!!!
4. Same as above
5. Same as above

5 Bad habits I have:
1. I swear pretty bad and often
2. I over analyze EVERYTHING!!
3. I worry way too much (I guess that goes with #2)
4. I bite my nails
5. I lose my temper quickly

5 Things I like Doing:
1. Spending time with Alyssa & Gary
2. Blogging and playing on the computer
3. Sleeping
4. Camping (as long as there is a real bathroom nearby -- took from Christina, but that is exactly how I am with camping too).
5. Going to Jazzercise

5 Things I would Never Wear:
1. A two piece bathing suit
2. High heels (my ankles are way too weak for those).
3. Halter top
4. Strapless dress
5. Mini skirts or daisy-duke shorts

TV Shows I like:
1. CSI (Las Vegas only)
2. Survivor
3. Amazing Race
4. Newlyweds (Nick and Jessica -- Nick is freakin' hot and I love to laugh at Jessica).

Movies I like:
1. Wedding Singer
2. Titanic (because this is the first movie Gary and I saw together)
3. Dirty Dancing

5 famous people I would like to meet:
1. Nick Lachey
2. I don't know who I would want to meet.
3. I would probably freeze and act like an ass
4. if I ever did meet
5. anyone famous.

5 Biggest Joys at the Moment:
1. Alyssa
2. The fact that Alyssa is napping
3. The fact that I have off of work on Friday, Saturday and Sunday
4. The fact that I am going on vacation next week
5. And the fact that I am almost all the way caught up with laundry (that NEVER happens).

Whew, Ok, I am done! That was fun although I hate when I can't think of an answer.

Now, I tag Heather, Kether and Kami. Have fun girls!!


At 3:04 PM, Blogger Christina said...

ugh, I forgot about high heels...they so go on my list of no-no's.


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