Sunday, January 23, 2005

9 month checkup

Alyssa had her 9 month checkup on Friday, (and she is almost 10 months). She weighs 21 pounds and is 30 inches long. She is in the 97th percentile for height and 90th percentile for weight. Both my husband and my families are on the taller side, so I am not surprised!

The doctor gave the OK to let her eat pretty much anything that was soft enough for her to gum as long as it wasn't things such as honey, peanut butter, eggs, ect. I couldn't believe it. Not my little girl. She isn't ready for regular food. (Or is it me that isn't ready...ok, ok, it's me!!) I did give her some mashed tatoes yesterday and everytime she would make funny faces, but wanted more!

I did ask the doctor if it was normal for a baby to poop 4 times a day and she said that it was. I am so glad that is normal.

I signed Alyssa and myself up for a "Wee Wigglers" class. They offer it at a community center. I am so excited. I really wanted to get into Gymboree a while ago, but it was a little on the expensive side, so this was within budget and is supposed to be similar to Gymboree. I know Alyssa will probably care less, but I am excited! Our first class is Friday.


At 3:37 PM, Blogger Christina said...

Wee wigglers, huh? Sounds fun. It will be a great network for mommy friends you know? Looks like we are both parents to BIG babies. My Lexie is 23lbs! AGH! I was a big baby, but only 20lbs at 10 months. Maybe they can go into modeling...kidding!


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