Friday, May 27, 2005

All that overtime really pays off.

About a month ago, Gary work some extreme OT. It sucked because he was on-call, so he was never home and I missed him very much. Today we reaped the benefits of that horrible two weeks!! The check was AWESOME. It feels so good to be able to save spending money for Georgia and still have spending money in our checking account!! Yeah for us!!

I know we should use some of that money to finish paying off our leased car (sore subject). But, we are not going to. Gary is going to get to buy something for himself (he deserves it) and we are going to go to a nice dinner. The rest of the money I would like to stay in the checking account so we can be comfortable for a little while!

It is funny how two years ago, we were able to be so frivolous because I worked about 50 hours a week. We made the decision as soon as I was pregnant to work the least amount of hours to be able to stay home as much as I can with Alyssa. I work about 24 hours a week and it is the greatest thing! I get time to myself (at work) and I get time with Alyssa on my days off. I know I have said it before, but I am so lucky to have that opportunity. The checks are not as great though, but we have learned to manage and it is definitely worth it.


At 6:42 AM, Blogger Me said...

I also cut my hours when Gracie came along. It's still more than I'd like, but it's better than 40 hours. Not to mention, I HAD to because Ryan and I work opposite shifts and we have no one to watch Gracie (I'll be damned if we stick her in daycare when I can just get outta work a few hours early).

Good job on spending a litle of the money on yourselves. It's not always fun to just use it on bills, even if it may be a necessity. It helps take the edge off sometimes :)

At 1:04 PM, Blogger Christina said...

you guys sound like you are doing better than we are. With money both S and I suck.
Gary totally deserves something nice. Overtime is a drag.

At 8:39 AM, Blogger Stephanie said...

Glad to know things are loosening up. Charles got a new job with more money and he likes it btter so things are goin well for us!

At 10:14 AM, Blogger Linda said...

Diana - we will be traveling to Fayetville, GA and Douglasville, GA. We plan on going to the Cabbage Patch Hospital and to Lake Lainer (sp?) while we stay. Is that close to you?


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