Tuesday, June 28, 2005


Sometimes I am disappointed with how much I work out and keep active and I am still so overweight.

What got me thinking about this is that tomorrow I have my yearly doctor's appt and I have to get weighed. I was thinking that I was somewhat close to my pre-pregnancy weight, but after weighing myself yesterday, I am still 10 pounds off.

For about 3 years I have had my exercise routine of working out 3 times a week. I really stick to it and within the first year lost about 60 pounds. Now that is a lot of weight, but I am still a big girl. I have a lot more weight to lose. I thought that after I had Alyssa, the weight would drop off as I got back into my workout routine again. That hasn't happened yet.

With the summer here, I have made efforts to go on long walks with Alyssa. I have made efforts to get out of the house and go to the pool or go shopping. I always feel like I am busy and doing something, but this weight just won't go anywhere.

I know that I do need to work on my eating habits better, but I don't feel that I am too horrible. I mean, I know I could be better, but also could be much worse. I always opt for low fat and fat free items. We have switched to the lowest fat ground meat, turkey burgers, and I eat lots of chicken. I only drink water, diet pop or 1% milk.

I never thought myself to have a thyroid problem or anything. I don't think I have any other symptoms of that, but I wonder if there is something else that could be stopping this weight loss. I feel as if I am stuck and I don't know what to do. Don't worry, I won't stop exercising because I love it and it makes me feel good. Plus if I quit that, then I will probably gain 20 more pounds.

Sorry for the depressive post, I just wanted to get out my frustrations about this damn extra weight. I feel as if I will carry it around forever.


At 10:25 PM, Blogger Taylor said...

I know the feeling! It sounds like you have been trying extremely hard to get the weight off. Sometimes it is really hard, especially if you have a super slow metabolisim. I swear I ruined mine by taking diet pills in high school - when I was skinny anyway! Goodness I wish I could that that back.

Recently I have been trying to do a really low fat diet. No more than 8 grams of fat a each meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and then no more than 30 grams of fat per day (including snacks). However you can eat all of the chicken and fruits that you would like. Other things like fat free yogurt, pickles, etc can be eaten in any quantity! It has been really hard to stick to during my birthday week, and with 4th of July and our vacation coming up I know I'll be bad :( But I need to start working out more! I really don't want to be stuck with this extra weight either. I gained 80lbs during my pregnancy! (no, that wasn't a typo!) I have 15 left to go, so I am pretty proud of myself but I can't let that get in the way of loosing more.

I am thinking of starting a "health blog" (which I'm sure that nobody will want to read). I am thinking of writing down what I eat and exercise daily. This way I can keep track of what I am doing and see room for improvements, etc.

I can tell you are motivated and that is awesome! Just keep pushing and I am sure you will reach your goals! Go girl!

At 10:50 PM, Blogger Kether said...

It really sucks, too, when you have a skinny husband who eats his plate of food, seconds, thirds and half of your meal every night and you're still WAY bigger than him.

At 10:51 PM, Blogger Kether said...

So anyway, I meant to say I hear you girl.

I am starting this new campaign. I'm trying to see how many days it will take me to do 1000 situps.
I'm going to start with specific goals like that.

At 6:33 AM, Blogger lainielou said...

I started making sure I got 3 servings of dairy a day. That seemed to make a difference. And I also started taking One a Day Weightsmart vitamins. That also seems to help.

At 7:44 AM, Blogger Me said...

I'm lucky, I lost my pregnancy weight, but that doesn't mean I don't have flab everywhere! My thighs, butt, gutt...they all have way more fat than I'd like to see on me, so I definetely can relate. It doesn't help that I hate to exercise and it's the last thing I wanna do after working...and that my hubby can run and have a flat stomach in no time flat! It's sickening!!!

You can do it...you did great before, so keep it up!!

At 9:16 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Well, for a start, us PITA girls are going to be helping you out from now on. ;) I know the frustration--I could be better about my eating habits, but then there'd be no joy left in life, kwim? I'm headed back to the gym tonight, hopefully that will be the boost I need.

Try varying your exercise routine. Sometimes we get stuck in a rut, and once your body gets used to it, you don't lose any weight.

At 1:45 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

I'm right there with you...honestly.

At 6:00 PM, Blogger Christina said...

okay, here's what I've learned...Quit drinking the diet soda. It's hindering your progress. Anything that has aspartimine(sp?) in it should be avoided...it actually slows down your metaboloism.
There you learned something new today...LOL.
I learned this from my doctor last week. Big shock. As you know, I am addicted to Diet Coke. AGH!

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At 6:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

jHere is a list of meat related items we think you will certainly enjoy:


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