Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Checkin' In

Just checkin' in to say hey. I have been somewhat busy lately.

Garage plans - I think we are getting close to getting our garage plans. We need to call the lumber company with our dimensions and roof style we want for our garage and they will make up some blueprints. I have already called the city to see what the process is with getting a permit. So after the blueprints, then I need to run them up to city hall and wait 5-7 days before we are approved and given a permit. I am nervous though because we wanted our garage to be 26' wide. (the front side). I had also wanted to keep our 7' shed because it would still be nice to have that as extra storage (for toys and miscellaneous stuff). I measured our back yard and if we make the garage 26' wide, we have about 7 1/2 extra. Do you think that will be enough to squeeze the shed on the side with no problems? Or do you think I should be safe and only get the garage 25' wide. We wanted to get the most area out of our garage and Gary wants a room off to the side, so that would take a foot away from his room. I just don't know where we will put the shed if we can't fit it on the side of the garage, because our back yard will be very small after the garage is up and I don't want to waste a big spot of it with a shed.

Alyssa - is teething like crazy!! She is getting those first molars in. Yesterday her shirts would be so soaked with drool, it would be wet all the way at the bottom seam of the shirt. She also is battling a cold. I don't know if it is teeth related, but her face is a mess. With the drool and boogers, it is a messy picture! What is funny is that she got the three molars in with minimal drooling and then all of the sudden her shirts are soaked and she only has one more to go. I thought that was strange.

I went to buy Alyssa a blow up pool yesterday and two different stores were sold out of them. I was so pissed. She finally got used to being on grass on Sunday. It took a while for her to get used to, but she walked all over it with her cousin on Sunday.

Me - I am doing good. Last week I was so proud of myself. I worked out on three days and took long walks on three other days!! It is nice to do extra stuff rather than just working out like normal. It is always nice to have someone to walk with, that makes it easier. I hope that this week I can keep up with it. Other than that, besides really trying to get the garage plans going, not much is happening with me.

Alright, I am off to work...uggghhh..

I think that is about it for right now.


At 7:48 AM, Blogger Taylor said...

Sorry to hear that Alyssa is teething. I hope the teethies break through soon :)

Good job on the working out!

At 11:15 AM, Blogger Me said...

Doesn't having to work just suck a big one????

I know what you mean about working out better with a buddy. I wish I had a buddy. I know I'd do much better too. Walking is so nice though, if only it weren't so darn blazing hot out! It'd be nice to have a beach to walk on!!

Keep up the good work!

At 12:55 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

Teething sucks! Glad you've had some me time though!

At 1:55 PM, Blogger lainielou said...

Evan's molars have been the same way. The first 3 were no biggie. This last one is giving him a fit. Big drool rings on his shirt.

Good for you on the exercise - and walking counts as working out!

At 4:00 PM, Blogger Christina said...

finally...I've been trying to post a comment to anyone's blog all morning and your's is the only one letting me in.
Lexie just cut her first molar. Totally explained her shitty attitude. I say try and squeeze the shed in. I wouldn't want to cut out any garge space.


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