Thursday, June 02, 2005

I called off of work today

No, not just because I didn't feel like going. (Although I never feel like going anymore).

The reason is because Alyssa threw up all over her crib this morning.

Yesterday she did the same thing, threw up in the morning after she woke up and acted as if she felt fine all day. So, I really didn't think much of it. I have noticed that in the past few days she really hasn't eaten much of anything. She also had diarrhea, which I originally thought was because on Monday she ate a lot of fruit.

So, I am waiting until her doctors office open so I can call and see what they say.

I have to vent again about my MIL (sorry Gary). When Gary called her this morning to tell her that we wouldn't be coming over today (She watches Alyssa on Thursdays), she told us that she has the same thing as Alyssa (throwing up and diarrhea). Why didn't she call us this morning to tell us that? If Alyssa was well, I wouldn't want her over there, because I wouldn't want her to catch that. We didn't call her early this morning either, we called her at the time we should have been arriving at her house.

Anyways, Alyssa is acting normal again, with the exception of the not eating thing. Not eating for Alyssa is NOT normal.


At 6:48 AM, Blogger Me said...

I'm sorry the peanut's sick. MIL's can be a PIA at times, I know. I have to admit I'm lucky and she hasn't gotten on my bad side since Grace came along. I'm sorta bidding my time. Hang in there and hope Alyssa's feeling better soon!

At 7:21 AM, Blogger Jewl said...

Hope all is well soon. I hate it when they don't eat... I am sure she will be her o'l self real soon!

At 7:38 AM, Blogger Melissa said...

Garrison did this about a month ago for a few days and then was fine. Unfortunately I got it too and it was horrible! That's way inconsiderate of the MIL.

At 11:25 AM, Blogger Christina said...

I hope she feels better soon.

At 2:03 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Sam did the same thing a few months ago, but he was throwing up his bedtime bottle for no apparently reason. Then he'd be fine. It's so frustrating when they can't talk and tell us what's wrong!

At 2:15 PM, Blogger Peanutt said...

I think a phone call would have been nice of your MIL. I'm sorry your baby is sick!!! Hope it gets better soon!

At 4:25 PM, Blogger Kether said...

Awww I hope she gets better soon. Poor wee girl.
And I hope when she feels better the first thing she says is MAMA!


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