Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Last Night Sucked

Yeah, so Alyssa is teething, right. On Monday night, she woke up at about 11:30 screaming. I gave her some tylenol and sat with her for about 15 minutes on the glider. It was an awesome moment for me because she laid her little head on my shoulder and stayed there for the entire 15 minutes. (That NEVER happens). I laid her back down and she went to sleep.


Last night is a whole other story. She woke up at about midnight. We gave her some tylenol to help her again. I sat with her for about 15 minutes and when I went to go lay her back down all hell broke loose. She SCREAMED her head off. I thought to myself, once I leave she will calm down and go back to sleep.


She continued to scream and about every 15 minutes I would go back in there. The first couple times, I picked her up and sat in the glider with her. She cuddled again, which I have to admit, was nice, but it was time to go to sleep. After about the third time, I went in and laid next to her crib on the floor. She was quiet, but still sitting up. The girl just wouldn't lay down. Then she started to play games and throw her binky out of the crib. I would give it back to her and she would throw it back to me. I said OK, I have to go to bed now and left the room. Yeah, she didn't like that much and screamed again. So, after another 15 minutes of screaming, I go back in again. This time I just sit in the glider while she was in the crib. She was quiet for a while, but then we played the throwing binky game again. So I left again. Um, by now it is 2:30 in the morning. In three hours, I would have been up for 24 hours straight.

I came back into our bedroom cussing up a storm and told Gary that in about 5 minutes, he was going to sleep in the spare bed and Alyssa was sleeping with me. (I am way to worried about all three of us in our bed at once). Finally Gary got up (which I really felt bad because he had to work this morning, but I was at my wits end). He got her something to drink and tried to calm her down (while leaving her in her crib). He left her after spending about 15 minutes in there and she screamed again. This time when we left her for the 15 minutes, she fell asleep. After 3:00 she finally went to sleep. What a horrible night!!!


At 12:12 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Sorry you had such an awful night! We were going through the same thing a couple of weeks ago. I now swear by Teething tablets--I give Sam two before bed along with a dose of Motrin, and if he wakes up (and it's time for another dose) I give him another dose of each. So far he's only woken up once (last night) and he went back to sleep once his meds kicked in.

At 1:03 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

Sorry for the horrible night! I hope she naps today and lets you catch a nap too. I'm with Laina on the teething tablets.

At 2:42 PM, Blogger Christina said...

poor baby (I'm talking to you). These are the tests of parenthood that I hate with a passion.

I've also heard wonderful things about those teething tablets. It's worth a shot, right?

At 5:39 PM, Blogger Me said...

I'm sorry too. The peanut is teething too, but not to where she's screaming...much at least. Just drooling like crazy and is majorly uncomfortable.

I hope she sleeps better for you tonight...and that you're able to get some sleep too!

At 5:46 PM, Blogger Me said...

I saw that too, Linda, but I didn't know. I thought maybe you knew who it was.

At 6:36 PM, Blogger Choppzs said...

I know exactly what you are talking about. I sat here reading your blog and was shaking my head at the similarities of your night and my last few weeks. Zachary is going on 15mths. The last couple weeks he has been waking up at around 1-2 a.m. screaming bloody murder. I started off going in there and getting him something to drink, changing him, and rocking him back to sleep. It worked for a couple nights. After that nothing worked unless I sat with him till he actually fell asleep,or laid on the cold, hard floor which could take forever. Finally the last few nights I will go in there, make sure he has his "nuk" and if he does, I just tell him to go back to sleep, close the door and continue to listen to him scream. I believe he is getting the picture because the last 3-4 nights he will scream for maybe 2-4 mins and will fall back asleep. I don't know what the deal is, but it's very annoying when you feel to bad to wake up hubby cause he has to work, but don't want to stay up for endless hours fussing with a 1 yr old that is determined to stay awake or be held! I feel for you!

At 6:36 PM, Blogger Choppzs said...

Sorry my post was so long!! lol


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