Are you a bad mom if...
Your daughter falls out of the crib?
We should have lowered her crib mattress.
A few days ago, Alyssa attempted to stand on her feet and get the remote off of the end table. She had only done it a few times and we thought nothing of it, since she didn't do it anywhere else and the only time she would stand up was if there was a remote for her to get.
Yesterday morning, Gary and I awoke from dreamland by a big THUD. We both instantly ran to the bedroom (of course the THUD followed by loud screaming and crying). Yep, she somehow fell out of her crib. Gary and I vowed not to tell anyone. (Well anyone in real life that we would have to listen to make fun of us everyday).
Gary's mom called us about two hours later (that same day) to let us know that last THURSDAY, she was pulling up on the crib and almost tipped herself over. Umm, thanks for the warning...
It is funny how we hadn't seen the standing up in the crib yet though. And needless to say the crib mattress is now lowered to the lowest possible setting.
Even though Alyssa is fine and showed no sign of even falling after about a minute, Gary and I still feel horrible.