Merry Christmas to all...
Alyssa and my conversation before we went to bed...
Alyssa: "Oh mom, that's Santa" (as she talks about the Santa she had just seen on the TV).
Me: "Yes, honey, that was Santa".
Alyssa: "Santa brings presents".
Me: "Yes, honey, Santa is going to bring presents really soon".
Alyssa: "Santa bring toys, and clothes, and presents".
Me: "Yes, honey, Santa will bring toys and clothes and presents".
Alyssa: "And cake, Santa bring cake too".
Me: "No, honey, Santa will not bring cake. This is Christmas not a birthday party".
Alyssa: "Oh, Christmas".
Me: "Yes, Christmas".
She cracks me up!
We are pretty much all set for Christmas. I still have a couple gifts to wrap and then that is it. I can't stop getting things for the girls though. They are going to be so completely overwhelmed by toys over the weekend. It's crazy!
Yesterday at work, a girl came up to me and said she had a TMX Elmo that she was going to take back if I didn't want to buy it. I stewed over the decision to buy it for 4 hours! I kept thinking that I am done with both of them and they don't need any more toys. But, on the other hand, I think Alyssa really will like it and I even think Morgan will get a kick out of him giggling and laughing. So, I bought it. Santa is going to bring it to both of them for Christmas.
I've already decided next year I WILL have a plan for Christmas. Each child will get a certain amount of money that we will spend on them and we will NOT go over it (too much...hee hee). I'm going to take more time to carefully plan out gifts and what I want to get for them. This year I didn't have a plan, bought too much, and spent too much.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas!!!